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Pinay Friend
Freedom Debt Relief
There are lots of companies who will offer to help you get financial freedom and help you get out of debt and one of them is Freedom Debt Relief. Freedom Debt Relief offers one-stop-shop service to financial freedom and get you out of debt. They offer four alternatives to solve your debt problems like credit counseling, debt consolidation, bankruptcy and credit card monthly payment. They will help educate you on what will be the options that will work best for your financial situation. What’s more neat about their program is that they offer free consultation. So check it out now and released yourself from financial stressed and find financial freedom.
Bad knots on my upper back...
"The best option would be a physiotherapist. They will be able to massage the knots out - but even an inexpert massage will help. To massage it out, locate the knot on your back. It will be a small ball about the size of your thumb. Circle the knot firmly - it should be slightly painful to the person. Work each knot for a minute, then move on. Do each knot over twice.
Swimming is also good exercise for the condition as it "works" these muscles. Also try heat pads to lessen tightness in the muscles. And a cream like Voltaren will reduce swelling. It should take about a week to make a noticible difference if the knots are bad and about 4 weeks to completely disappear.
To stop the knots reoccurring or getting worse, examine your lifestyle for the cause of the knots. Is it the position you sleep in? Is it stress? Is it the way you sit at work?"8/19/08
Best deals on Black Friday
Well, check it out guys and see what will be the best deal you could find for this upcoming Black Friday. The site also offers free email alerts to let you know when the new black Friday ads will be posted. Visit their website now and be the first one to know what's on sale this Black Friday.
Soft drinks are factor in metabolic syndrome
About Me
The object is to complete each of the following snippets.
Participants: Startin’ A New Life, Too / All Things Me / Because Life Is Fun / Feels Like Home / My Happy Place / Iam Dzoi / Suburban Sass / To the Moon and Back / Raising Sandy / Mommy Talks / Aggie Shoots. Aggie Scraps / All Kinds of Me Stuff / The Salad Caper / Winding Creek Circle / InkBabyStudios / My Colorful World/ Random Thoughts / Explore Manila / Blogger Happy / Everyday CHI / Berry Scrappy / My Virtual Closet / My Views On My So Called Life /The Real Deal, The Real Me / Eds Mommy Life/ Just Me.. Eds / My Precious Niche / Insights from the Grocery Cart / Living A' La Mode / My Blog Entry/ Your Next
I am: happily married to my hubby.
I think: of my parents back in the Philippines.
I know: hubby is coming home from work soon.
I have: to update my blogs.
I wish: hubby and I could go to the Philippines next year.
I hate: people who are abusive and mean.
I miss: my parents!
I fear: to go out sometime when I'm by myself.
I hear: the swamp cooler.
I smell: nothing.
I crave: for Filipino dishes.
I search: informations online.
I wonder: if I could get pregnant.
I regret: having a miscarriage last year even if it's nobody's fault.
I love: my Husband so much!
I ache: when someone in the family is hurt.
I am not: a cheese burger lover.
I believe: that God is good all the time.
I dance: infront of hubby to tease him.
I sing: when I hear the good old songs.
I cry: when I am hurt.
I fight: for what is right.
I win: my mom-in-laws heart. She loves me so much and she is so concern of me.
I lose: sometimes.
I never: miss saying " I Love You! " to my Husband...EVERYDAY.
I always: call my Husband when he is at work.
I confuse: on where to work.
I listen: to country music most of the time.
I can usually be found: at home.
I am scared: of losing my love ones.
I need: to go to the post office next week.
I am happy about: hubby's great love and devotion to me!
I imagine: getting preggy next year. Hopefully, wink!
I'm passing this tag to all my friends.
Spread the Blog Love!
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2. Please link back to the person who tagged you and pass this tag to many of your friends 3. If you have more than one blog, please post this to all of your blogs so your other blogs can be listed to the master list too. 4. Remember to come back here at A SLICE OF LIFE (pls. don't change this link)and leave the exact post url so I can add you to the master list to help increase our rankings and improve our Technorati Authority. 6. Spread the BLOG LOVE FEVER!!
1.Jenny Said So 2.) Simply Jen 3.) This and That 4.) Bargain.Sales.Deals. 5. A Slice of Life 6.) Aussie Talks 7. When Mom Talks 8. Mommy Talks 9 Aggie Shoots. Aggie Scraps 10 All Kinds of Me Stuff 11 The Salad Caper 12. Winding Creek Circle 13. InkBabyStudios 14. Me and Mine 15. Creative in Me 16. For the LOVE of Food 17. Little Peanut 18. Pea in a Pod 19. It’s Where the HEART Is 20. Around the World 21. SugarMagnolias 22. Nita's Random Thoughts 23. Nita's Corner 24. Nita's Ramblings 25. Batuananons 26. Thomas Web Links 27. Filipino Online Community 28. Thomas Travel Tales 29. Bohol Paradise 30. My Wandering Thoughts 31. Arts and Entertainment Center 32. Great Finds and Deals 33. Make Money Online 34. Entertainment News and Beyond 35. Erlinda's Wandering Thoughts 36. TnT Kit 37. Aha Mama! 38. A Zone for Digiscraps 39. RazorianFly :] 40. WebGeek Journal… 41.All About The Memories 42. Spymama 43. Alamak OiOi 44. HasH's Personal Blog 45. MommyAllehs Up-Close and Personal 46. All About Kawaii 47. My Photographic Sketch 48. Embrace Simplicity 49.WilStop 50. Fun.Fierce.Fabulous 51. Kidd Designs 52. Me,Myself+2 53. Anygen's Journey 54. Ultimate Food Cooking Guide 55.Beauty of Life56.Jona's New Life57.Money Maker58.Creations59. Images of Aloha 60. Ramblings Rendezvous 61. Filipina in Hawaii 62. Online Resources 64. Pinay dot US 65. My Blog Entry 66. Byaheng Pinay 67. A Pet's Life 68. My Journey to Momhood 69. Photographs and Memories 70. Straight from the Heart 71. Your Next
{End Copy Here}
I'm spreading this Blog Love to all my blogger friends. Feel free to grab this tag and spread the love.
It's Friday!
Stop Snoring
I'm Back....
It's my last day in class for the week and we got off earlier today so now I'm back blogging and start chasing for opps again. Thanks everyone for visiting my blog these couple of days. I will be visiting you back.
Blaze Media Pro
CNA Training
So I guess I better get to bed now and be ready for tomorrow's first day of class. Good night dear bloggers!
Grandfather Clock

Clocks are always been part of home décor in everyone’s home and even in some offices and other establishments. It is also use in interior design. A simple home can turn out to be classy and elegant by just adding a stylish clock any place in the house. I remember when I was young when me and my parents went to the store to check for some wall clocks and bought one for our living room. We bought the kind that made sound every hour. That was the very first time we had such kind of clock although it was just a cheap one but added attraction to our very simple living room. One kind of clock that I will never forget and got attracted to it when I saw this very big clock standing on the wall in one of our relative’s house that looks like the photo shown above. I thought that was very classy and elegant. I never knew that there are a lot of different types of clocks sold in the market today until I came across this site the sells different types of clocks online like grandfather clocks, grandmother clocks, mantel clocks, wall clocks and other timepieces. I think this site is the best place online to check if you are looking for the best clock for your home even the Howard Miller Clocks.
By the way, now I knew that the one I thought to be a big wall clock in my relative’s living room was a grandfather clock.
Blood Type and Diet
Type A types should basically stick to fruits and vegetables (high carbs / low fat).
They have thicker blood than other blood types, a sensitive immune system,
and should not consume dairy products, animal fats and meats. They are at
a heightened risk for cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer.
Type B types should consume a balanced diet (fruits and vegetables, grains, fish, dairy, meat,
but avoid chicken). They have the best chance of bypassing or overcoming
everyday types of diseases, including heart disease and cancer.
Type AB types should consume a mostly vegetarian diet, and only on rare occasions some
fish, meat (no chicken), and dairy.
Type O types should basically stick to a high protein diet (including red meat), low carbs, and
enriched with fruits and vegetables. They should limit the intake of wheat germ,
whole wheat products, corn, and avoid dairy products and most nuts. Type O types are commonly affected with hypothyroidism, high stomach acid (leading to ulcers), and thinner blood with greater resistance to blood clotting.
I have a Type A blood and I think this information is very helpful. I should be more careful with the foods I ate and be consuming more on fruits and vegetables.
Ultimate Flirting Championship
“Touch everything except my hair.” I heard this pick up line said by one of my classmates back when I was in college. She said these words when someone touched her hair. I guess she was just too protective over her hair not to get messy or maybe it was her way of flirting the guy who touched her hair. Well, that was probably one of her flirting abilities. Some people have something what it takes to get someone’s attention while others are too shy to get noticed. Do you want to find out your flirting skills? Join Extreme Style by VO5 where you can play the Ultimate Flirting Championship game and see if you have the flirting abilities. It's an online game and you can either play as a flirter or as a judge in the game. Click the widget above and find out more how to play the game and what it takes to get a Victory Hair.
If you have your own blog or website you can also grab the widget and place it on your page so others can play it too.

Heavy Rain
It was raining heavily last night, it started raining right after hubby came home from work. He was calling me to take a look outside and see the rain pouring down and to his surprise it's not just rainwater but there were little chunks of ice that dropped on the ground. Then hubby told me to come and see the hail quickly so hurriedly came running to the living room and looked at the window and sure enough I saw those little chunks of ice. It was the first time that it rained heavily that was during this summer season. We also got loud thunder and much lightning. Then hubby said he wanted to go out and eat somewhere. I said, if he was sure to go out and drive in the middle of the stormy weather. He said he wants to take me to this oriental restaurant that I haven't been too. So, we went out and started driving, the downtown area was already flooded and everytime cars pass by us we get splashed. Hubby was enjoying it so much to see the heavy rain pouring down the valley and I told him it made me scared especially when it thunders and when I saw the lightning. He said, I should be used to it as I came from a tropical country like the Philippines who always get a lot of rain, thunder and lightning. I said, yeah but everytime we got heavy rains, thunder and lightning I'm always scared. For him, it was fun and exciting because he was used to it since he grew up in Florida.
Tactical Gear
So for all your tactical gear needs visit www.policegear.com.