Reverse Phone Lookup Service
I always avoid answering calls when they are not in my phonebook or don’t know who they are because most of the time they are telemarketers who are trying to sell something. Sometimes it’s so annoying, do you know that you can block unwanted calls from telemarketers for free with National No Call Registry? Yes, that’s true just visit the site and find out for more information about it. You can also do Reverse Phone Lookup and find out those callers who have been calling you by just entering the phone numbers and you will get the information about the name and place of your unknown callers.
Getting Ready for Clinical
I'm all ready for my clinical this afternoon which will start at 5:00 pm but I won't leave the house until 4:30 pm since it's only 15 mins drive to the facility for the brain injured. Will be there until 9 in the evening. My first night working with the staff and the brain injured clients went good. At first I was so nervous and scared knowing that most of the clients have mental problems but once I got to know them it wasn't that scary because they are nice people to talk with. Most clients in the facility had experienced car accidents which caused their brain injury. Most of them are independent but some needs assistance. In the facility they try to live normally despite of their mental incapability. As long as you treat them nicely and be kind to them they will do the same to you. It's fun working with them, if I have the chance to get a job there I would accept it.
Bed Bugs Guide
I never knew much about bed bugs until I read this information on bed bugs online. Every now and then I get itches at bedtime and I checked on it couldn’t find anything what bit me but just redness and welts on my skin. I realized that those bites might come from bed bugs. I’m glad I came across bedbugsguide.com, it’s really very informative site and it also gives advices on how to get rid of bed bugs. If you have bed bug infestation in your bedroom you might as well check this site and find out more information about it.
Metal Detecting
Hubby is thinking about doing a new hobby which is metal detecting. He told me he wants to buy a metal detector and ask me if I would be interested on doing it too. So he could buy one for me also. He wants us both to do it, I told him he can just get one and I will just be going with him while he does metal detecting but he said I might get bored if I would just be watching and following him. He said he wants me to have the metal detector also. So, I said ok, it might be fun and interesting especially if we find some valuable metals or maybe gold nuggets which is really his target why he wants to do metal detecting.
Hubby is already searching and looking for good metal detectors online. He already found the ones he would like to buy but he haven't ordered them yet.
Hubby is already searching and looking for good metal detectors online. He already found the ones he would like to buy but he haven't ordered them yet.
Millionaire Singles
Are you the kind of person who belongs to a well off society and would like to meet people who has the same financial status like you? Visit dateamillionaire.com where you can meet and mingle with Millionaire Singles online. Check the website, sign up for free and start browsing thousands of profile of millionaire singles looking for someone like you.
Gas for my Car
I told hubby earlier today that my car needs gas coz it's almost empty and he said I could just go to the gas station and fill it up but I told him I don't like doing it. I have never gone to the gas station myself to fill up my car coz hubby does it most of the time. But late this afternoon hubby told me he wants to go for a ride and I said ok. We use my car and he drove it and I said where we're going and he said to the gas station to fill up the car and I said good idea I already forgot about it. So he filled up my car and it's almost full, isn't he sweet and thoughtful? When we got home I told him "Thank you honey for filling up my car with gas and he said "your welcome".
Consolidate Debt and Save Money
So, check it out now and start saving money.
Google Page Rank Update
Last night when hubby and I came home from a family dinner cook out at Canyon View Park. I checked my blog and got a message from Gigi through my tag board telling me to update my SEO stats widget and Page Rank Button widget because my PR had changed from PR2 to PR3. I was surprised to read her message and was glad she informed me. I wouldn't have know then if it were not for her. Thanks Gigi and thanks to Google for increasing my PR. I don't know if I deserved this but I hope other bloggers received PR for their websites/blogs also especially to those who deserve it most. Until now, I still wonder and even a lot of bloggers how Google ranks pages.
Black Women Dating Site
Interested in meeting Black Women online? Visit blackscene.com, it is an internet singles and personals site where you can chat with the best looking, coolest and most beautiful users. It offers 24-7 customer support, advanced chatrooms, IM and many more. Join now it’s 100% free to sign up, create your profile and browse members.
Oldest Man on earth celebrates 113th Birthday
I wonder how it feels to be at 113th years living on this earth. For Tomoji Tanabe a Japanese who lives in Miyakonoj, Japan said that he was happy to celebrate his 113th birthday last September 18th. Tanabe was recognized by Guinness Book of World Records as the oldest living male last year. Read here for more of the story.
Christian Lifestyle
Looking for Christian people to mingle with online? Check christianlifestyle.com an online Christian Dating where you can find christian men and women looking to date single Christians. It’s the best place to meet christian singles who are interested in dating, meeting as friends or looking for long lasting relationship and lifelong mate. Visit Christian lifestyle.com now, sign up for a free account and start searching through thousands of profiles.
Thank God, it's Friday!
It has been a very long week for me since I started my clinical for my CNA Training. Thank God, it's Friday I'm off school and nothing to worry about going into my clinicals. I survive in my clinicals this week and 2 more weeks to go and I will be done with my training. The next thing that I am concern about is passing the CNA State Board Exam. I am not worried about the written test which is one part of the test but more nervous on the skills test coz you need to pass all five skills during that State Board to get certified.
Talk Reviews
First Day of Clinical
Last night was my first day of clinical. I was so nervous because I didn't know what to expect what is going to happen. There were four of us assigned to do clinicals at Larchwood Inns a nursing home facility. When we came in to the breakroom to find out who will be our preceptor (a CNA that we will work with). Then I found out that I will be assigned in the dining hall where the residents are waiting for their dinner. I sat beside the resident who was paralyzed from shoulder down and had to feed her coz she couldn't move her arms or hands. It went good because she was nice. The only thing that bothered me was that I have a hard time understanding everytime she talks to me since her language was also affected. But I am glad that the CNA's in the facility were very nice everytime I ask for their help. The rest of the night went all good taking care of the residents putting them to bed.
Work boots for hubby
Dinner at Chinese Buffet
Hubby told me that there is a Chinese Buffet Restaurant in Clifton and said he wanted to try it coz his friends told him that they are better than the other one that we usually go. So, we went there and tried that place. Although it's not as big as the Dragon Wall Chinese Buffet but their foods were also good. We will probably go back again to that place.
Public Records Data Base
Public records can now be accessed online through publicrecordsdb.org. It is the most comprehensive US public records search in the web. Public Records Data Base provides the fastest and easiest way to access public records such as marriage, divorce, birth, death, court and criminal records and others. Just enter the first and last name and you can start searching public records by state or city.
Neighbor's dogs
I saw these 3 dogs these morning roaming around our backyard trying to get into the chicken fence. They were the same 3 dogs that got into our backyard before. I guess those dogs were from our neighbor who live close by. I was about to let Bandit go out to go to the bathroom but when Bandit and I saw those 3 dogs from our back porch Bandit started barking at them so I let him stay in the porch and I cho those dogs away from our backyard. I didn't know what breed were they but when I told Nichole and described her how those dogs look like she said they were cocker spaniel.
Christian Chat City
Christian Chat City is a free online forum where Christian people with the same interests meet and discuss topics related to religion and Christianity. If you are looking for free live Christian Chat Rooms visit christianchatcity.org, sign up for 100 % free unlimited membership and start meeting real people like yourself talking religion and christianity. It's fast and simple free membership, free chat and free video chat which requires no software to download. Sign up now!
CNA Training Update
Last night was the last day for our laboratory in my CNA Training. We practiced more on getting blood pressure and other skills that we will be doing when we start our clinicals next week. Everybody in class are very nervous for next week's clinical. We already have our schedules, there are 3 facilities wherein we will do our clinicals. One is the Community Hospital, second is Larchwood Inn a nursing home and the third one is in Hilltop the LAP ( Life Adjustment Program) a facility that accomodates head injured clients.
State Public Records
Local Public Records is the best source for the most comprehensive online state public records search in the United States. Search public records in your state, county or city by just entering the first and last name in the search box and you can get accessed to local public records such as birth, death, marriage, divorce, professional records, court records and others. Visit localpublicrecords.org and find out more about Local Public Records.
Early Morning
Everyday I have to wake up as early as 4 am to prepare hubby's foods for breakfast and lunch at work. He had been on the day shift for more than a month now and we're glad that he is on day shift because it makes us have a normal schedule and we are able to get our normal sleeping hours. He just left for work 30 mins ago, I usually go back to bed and sleep after he leaves but now I stayed up for awhile to grab something to eat because I got hungry. I just drank hot chocolate and had some crackers. I'm going back to bed right after I'm done with this post.
Public Divorce Records
Nationwide Divorce Records is an online source to find Divorce Records nationwide. You can get divorce documents, divorce license records and all other pertinent vital records fast and easy. You can view online public divorce records as quickly and painlessly with their database at a very affordable rate. Check their website now and get the records that you need.
We' ve Finally Met
Fe and I have finally met in person last Monday morning. We have been friends online since last year. I first met her through friendster when I was searching for any Pinays who live in the same area during my couple of months here in Grand Junction. I was glad to find her friendster account and found out that she was also from Davao City and we started chatting. We set to meet up a couple of times but was cancelled until finally we had a chance to meet last monday at the Filipino Store. While we were there we also happen to meet another Pinays. Ate Elena who was Tita's sidekick to watch the store when she isn't there and then Ate Elena's older sister came by also to buy some Filipino foods. So, we had a great talk since all of us spoke the same dialect (Bisaya) Both of them were from Mindanao- Zamboaga and cagayan de Oro. It was great to meet them most especially to meet fe in person. I went to her house also after we bought stuffs from the Filipino Store and had lunch together. Thanks a lot Fe for being a friend! So here is the pic I took for us. Sorry guys it's a little blurry.
Songs I Love...
I always love to hear the old songs especially the country songs. One of the artists that I love most when it comes to country music is John Denver. I have made a playlist on some of his songs and I wanna share it with you. Hope you enjoy listening.

Phone Number Scan
Do you get prank calls every now and then? Or phone calls that you don’t even recognize? Finding out who are those prank callers and unlisted phone numbers calling your phones can be accessed through phonelookupscan.org. It’s a new site that offers Phone Number Scan where you can get information from those prank callers and other phone numbers you don’t recognize. All you have to do is enter the phone numbers and click search to find the owner and their location. Visit phonelookupscan.org and find out more about it.
Lunch with hubby
Just got back from lunch with hubby. He called me earlier to meet him at work during his lunch break so we could have lunch together. So, I drove to his work and then from there we drove to Starvin Arvins and had lunch together. He was driving my car and when we went back to his work and I drove back home. Now, I'm back online while my laundry is in the dryer and the other load is in the washer.
Web Hosting Rating
It's Another Friday...
It's another Friday, seems like the week just came by so swiftly. I'm glad it's Friday, no class but the sad thing is hubby just started his another 10 days straight work after enjoying his 3 days off. We woke up as early as 4 a.m., made hubby's breakfast and lunch ready. He usually eats his breakfast at work.
Yesterday, hubby and I were finally able to get my scrubs at "Uniform Junction". I got 3 bottoms and 4 tops. Hubby helped me chose the scrubs and they were really nice and pretty. Will take photos of them and post them later.
Yesterday, hubby and I were finally able to get my scrubs at "Uniform Junction". I got 3 bottoms and 4 tops. Hubby helped me chose the scrubs and they were really nice and pretty. Will take photos of them and post them later.
Phone Lookup Registry
National Phone Registry is an online Phone Lookup Registry and is voted for most accurate phone look up service. Enter the phone numbers you have just called you whom you never knew and you will find out where those calls coming from and for just $9.95 a year you will get one year unlimited reverse phone looksup. That's very affordable, isn't it? With National Phone Registry’s powerful tools one will be ale to find unlisted phone numbers, prank calls and other hard to find cell phone owner information.
Checking for Scrubs
Hubby and I are going to check on scrubs that I will be wearing when my clinical starts. I have a $120 voucher from the Mesa County Workforce Center which will pay off for my scrubs and shoes. Nothing beats free scrubs ha,ha. I hope I could get a good fit and good style scrubs. I'm excited to wear them. Our clinical will start on Sep 15 at the Community Hospital and I'm excited and at the same time nervous.
Registered Predators, beware of them!
Crime is everywhere it could happen anytime and everywhere. Hubby always reminds me to be aware and stay away from strangers even if I am home he always make sure that I locked all the doors at home and never opened them when someone I don’t know knocks on the door because criminals could be somewhere and we don’t know it can be someone in the neighborhood. It’s important to be aware and be alert who are these criminals even sex offenders whom I am really scared the most. Do you know that we could get access and find out who are the Sexual Predators living within our area? Yes, these sex offenders are registered online so people could be aware of them and be able to get away with them. Thanks to the federal bill called Megan’s Law that requires that the public to be kept informed of sexual predators and their whereabouts. Check registeredsexualpredators.com and find out more about it.
Good Morning Beautiful
"Good Morning Beautiful" these are the first three words of that song that hubby sings when I wake up in the morning. Isn't he sweet? Yes, he is for sure! Anyways, here's some part of the lyrics of that song.
Good morning beautiful...how was your night?
Mine was wonderful... with you by my site.
Open my eyes... and see your sweet face.
It's a good morning beautiful day.
Mine was wonderful... with you by my site.
Open my eyes... and see your sweet face.
It's a good morning beautiful day.
People Locator
Hubby was talking about trying to get in touch with some of his friends before but don't have any idea where they are at now. Then I told him that there is a People Finder website like worldwidepeoplelocator.com which can give us access to informations about people’s address, phone number and other public records. It’s an instant worldwide people search all you have to do is enter the last name and search nationwide for accurate results. So quick and easy isn’t it
CNA Training Update
Just an update on my CNA Training. I had my class this afternoon but our teacher dismissed us earlier than usual because she was not feeling well. We did our written test which was about the chapter we had discussed during our last meeting. My score was pretty good because I only got one mistake. That was the first time I missed in my test because most of my test scores were perfect. After our test we were still able to discuss the whole chapter of our lesson but our teacher told us to answer our workbook at home which we usually do in class right after the lecture. Tomorrow we will have another test and we will have our laboratory on Thursday with another teacher.
Public Court Records
Isn’t it amazing how much information can we get through the internet? Seriously, everything you want to find out about anything is just a click away right in front of your computer screen. People can now get Public Court Records online from birth records, business records, comprehensive background searches, marriage/divorce records, criminal records and others. Courtrecordssearch.net is a new site to look into since they provide public records searches in many categories. They have dedicated themselves to systematically gathering data services, sources and data center links to provide their members the highest level of investigation services. To find out more information about the site check courtrecordssearch.net now.
It's Holiday
It's holiday today since it's Labor Day but hubby had to work although he has the choice to take the day off but he chose to work today anyway because he will get paid more. Besides, he will have his days off starting tomorrow until thursday after working 10 straight days. I always look forward to his days off because we could spend more time together. Just love being with hubby all the time.
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