My Beauty Secret Tag
My Foundation: Merle Norman but rarely use it coz I have very sensitive skin.
My Mascara: Merle Norman
My Blush: No blush, just pressed powder from San-San which I bought from the Philippines which I rarely use also.
My Day Cream: Clean and clear mosturizer.
My Lipstick: Merle Norman Lip Pencil Plus
My Essential Beauty Product: Clean and Clear facial wash, Bath and Body Works shower gel for my body wash, and Pantene shampoo & conditioner for my hair.
My favorite Make-up product: No favorite make up product coz I don't wear make up.
My Perfume: No perfume just cologne - Sweetpea from Bath and Body Works
My Nails: I just do my nails on my own, no nail color coz I don't like it.
My Feet: The same care I do with my nails, and hands.
My hands: I just put lotion to keep it from drying. I use Nivea.
Women I admire for their beauty: I like Angelina Jolie's beauty.
Women with the best Sense of Style: I have no idea...
My ultimate dream: To be a Fil-am mommy. Ha,ha....
My favorite fashion Publication: No particular fashion publication, just anything.
I'm tagging Dezz, Marlet and Fe. I would like to know your beauty secrets too.
Nice drive to the Colorado National Monument
Passing through the road in between the big boulder of rock. It's amazing how this mountain was cut in the middle to be able to build a road.
The Cold Shivers Point- if you walk farther you will end up in a cliff that is so deep. Made me dizzy just to look down into it.
This is where the end of the Cold Shivers Point, behind me was the very deep cliff.
LA Police Gear
Check their website now and find out more about their special offer. Anyone can purchase any products they sell because they serve not only for military personnel or police officers but for general public as well.
Practice Backing Up with a trailer
Today, hubby hooked up the old trailer to the truck so he could teach me and Nichole (step-daughter) practice how to drive and park the truck with a trailer. Since, Nichole has a horse and every now and then she has to take her horse to the Fairgrounds when she has a horse show. So, hubby wants us to learn how to drive the truck with a trailer so we could be able to take the horse incase he is not available.
We practice at a church parking lot nearby, it was really hard specially backing up the truck because with just a very slight move of the steering wheel the trailer would start to curve and if you steer the wrong way, the trailer would get crooked and end up in a wrong direction. Hubby thought I got it down right away when I tried to back up the truck straight but then suddenly the trailer began to go the wrong direction and I got confused which way to turn my steering wheel to correct it. Hmmmm, tried it many times but really need more practice to get it down.
Good and bad "people foods" for your pet
I am always tempted to give Bandit some human foods specially when he starts showing the pity-dog eyes as if he was begging and telling me he was starving. Though I give him once awhile some table foods but I didn't know all the foods that can really make him sick and have to avoid giving him and what's good for him until I read this article.
‘People foods’ that can kill your pet
Nuts - Walnuts and macadamia nuts are especially toxic. Effects can be anything from vomiting to paralysis to death. Within 12 hours of eating the nuts, pets start to develop symptoms such as an inability to stand or walk, vomiting, hyperthermia (elevated body temperature), weakness, and an elevated heart rate. These symptoms can be even worse if your dog eats some chocolate with the nuts. The effect can cause kidney failure, often leading to death.
Chocolate - Chocolate contains theobromine, which can kill your pet if eaten in large quantities. Dark and unsweetened baking chocolates are especially dangerous. Giving your pup a piece of chocolate cake or even letting him lick the chocolate icing on the cake could cause him to become ill. Theobromine can also cause a dog or cat's heart to beat very rapidly or irregularly, which could result in death if the pet is exercising or overly active.
Candy - Candy or anything containing Xylitol (a common sweetener found in some diet products) can cause a sudden drop in an animal's blood sugar, loss of coordination and seizures. If left untreated, the animal could die.
Caffeine - Coffee, tea or any product that contains caffeine stimulates an animal's central nervous and cardiac systems. This can lead to restlessness, heart palpitations and death, depending on how much the animal consumes.
Grapes and raisins - Grapes and raisins can lead to kidney failure in dogs. As little as a single serving of raisins can kill them. And the effects are cumulative, which means that even if a dog eats just one or two grapes or raisins regularly, the toxin that builds in his system will eventually kill him.
Onions - Onions are another common food that can be highly toxic to pets. They can destroy an animal's red blood cells and lead to anemia, weakness and breathing difficulties. Their effects are also cumulative over time.
Medicine - Hide medicine from your pets just like you would from your children. The most common cause of pet poisoning is from animals ingesting a medicine or drug normally prescribed for humans. Acetaminophen and ibuprofen, the active ingredients in many common pain relievers, are extremely toxic to dogs and cats. They can cause gastric ulcers, liver damage, kidney failure and sometimes death.
The Good news foods
Lean meats - Any cooked lean meat should be fine for most dogs. High-fat meats, chicken skin and fat from steaks or roasts are not recommended. Ingestion may lead to gastrointestinal upset or even pancreatitis. This can be a very painful condition for dogs. In addition, most companion animals do not need extra fat in their diets. Never give your pet meat with the bone in it. Animals can choke on the bones, and they can splinter as well.
In case of emergency
The 10 Smartest Animals
2. Chimpanzees-If we humans possess intelligence, chimpanzees must have some as well: Our genomes are at least 98 percent identical.
3. Dolphin - in Australia a dolphin uses a sponge to protect her snout when foraging on the seafloor, a tool use behavior that is passed on from mother to daughter. Scientists say that’s just one sign of dolphin smarts.
4. Elephants - The sheer size of their brains suggests that elephants must know a thing or two about the ways of the world.
5. Cephalopods - (octopi, squid, cuttlefish) The cephalopod brain surrounds the esophagus, but shares with the human brain features of complexity such as folded lobes and distinct regions for processing visual and tactile information. The how-smart debate swirls around deciphering observations that the creatures have a seemingly irrepressible curiosity, a disdain for boredom, an ability to learn and the capacity to use tools.
6. Crows - They are crafty critters. They fashion tools from twigs, feathers and other bits of debris to snare food from hard-to-reach places.
7. Squirrels - Researchers recently reported that the rodents put on elaborate shows of deceptive caching to thwart would-be thieves. The behavior increased in a lab experiment after squirrels observed humans stealing their peanuts.
8. Dogs - They can learn to sit, lie down and fetch, for example, but can they read their owner's intentions? Research suggests they can at least find food in response to non-verbal cues, a type of understanding that scientists think may be akin to the human ability to understand someone else's point of view.
9. Cats - Like dog owners, some cat owners have trained their pets to sit down, roll over and jump through hoops. Cats learn the tricks by observation and imitation, egged on with positive reinforcement.
10. Pigs - They are perhaps the smartest, cleanest domestic animals known – more so than cats and dogs, according to some experts. But pigs don't have sweat glands, so they roll around in the mud to stay cool. A sign of their cleverness came from experiments in the 1990s. Pigs were trained to move a cursor on a video screen with their snouts and used the cursor to distinguish between scribbles they knew and those they were seeing for the first time. They learned the task as quickly as chimpanzees.
We have a baby boy

Blood Type Tag
According to a Japanese institute that does research on blood types, there are certain personality traits that seem to match up with certain blood types.
You want to be a leader, and when you see something you want, you keep striving until you achieve your goal. You are a trend-setter, loyal, passionate, and self-confident. Your weaknesses include vanity and jealously and a tendency to be too competitive.
You like harmony, peace and organization. You work well with others, and are sensitive, patient and affectionate. Among your weaknesses are stubbornness and an inability to relax.
You're a rugged individualist, who's straightforward and likes to do things your own way. Creative and flexible, you adapt easily to any situation. But your insistence on being independent can sometimes go too far and become a weakness.
Cool and controlled, you're generally well liked and always put people at ease. You're a natural entertainer who's tactful and fair. But you're standoffish, blunt, and have difficulty making decisions.
How do you rate?
My blood type is A and yes I like harmony, peace and organization. I always work well with others, patient and affectionate specially to my hubby, ha,ha,...
Now let's keep this tag rolling! I want to know if your blood type really fits your personality.
1. Scotty's Princess
2. Lainy
3. Twerlermz
4. Lara
5. Your link here
I'm tagging Fe, Genny, Jamie, Resebel, Lis, Shela and Texas Sweetie.
Lost the reserved Opp
Mother's Day....
It's been two Mother's Day celebration that I am not around with Mama. She is in the Philippines right now with Papa of course. I wish, I could be around with Mama this Mother's Day. She would love to say a big Yes if I asked her if she wanted to eat at Mc Donalds or Jollibee or shop around the malls in Davao. I miss the funny ways of mama and her funny name callings on me. She likes to give me different names as her way of endearment, I remember she would call me "tekya", "teling", "kurdaping", "dhay", and many other funny names she could think of. But when she calls me by my first name that's my hint that she is mad or not in the mood so I have to be careful, ha,ha,... Mama has always been in a good mood and I rarely see her get angry. Now, I miss her a lot.
To my dearest Mama, Happy Mother's Day! Thank you for all the care and love and for everything. I Love you!
Package for Mama Papa

What Happened Today in History?
Today in History May 5
1494 - Christopher Columbus lands on the island of Jamaica, which he names Santa Gloria.
1814 - British attack the American forces at Ft. Ontario, Oswego, New York.
1821 - Napoleon Bonaparte dies in exile on the island of St. Helena.
1834 - The first mainland railway line opens in Belgium.
1862 - Union and Confederate forces clash at the Battle of Williamsburg, part of the Peninsula Campaign. Eyewitness to War
1862 - Mexican forces loyal to Benito Juarez defeat troops sent by Napoleon III in the Battle of Puebla.
1865 - The 13th Amendment is ratified, abolishing slavery.
1886 - A bomb explodes on the fourth day of a workers’ strike in Chicago.
1912 - Soviet Communist Party newspaper Pravda begins publishing.
1916 - U.S. Marines invade the Dominican Republic.
1917 - Eugene Jacques Bullard becomes the first African-American aviator when he earns a flying certificate with the French Air Service.
1920 - Anarchists Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Visetti are arrested for murder.
1935 - American Jesse Owens sets the long jump record.
1942 - General Joseph Stilwell learns that the Japanese have cut his railway out of China and is forced to lead his troops into India.
1945 - Holland and Denmark are liberated from Nazi control.
1961 - Alan Shepard becomes the first American in space.
1968 - U.S. Air Force planes hit Nhi Ha, South Vietnam in support of attacking infantrymen.
Source: historynet.com
Change my template
Well, I guess that's it for now. I know I still have more to do to beautify my page. Guys, I hope you like the new look of my template. Hope to see you around. Have a good night!