Tiger's first close encounter with August
Hubby and I are still hoping that one day these two cats will be friends and will enjoy each others company.
My Disclosure Policy
To get your own policy, go to http://www.disclosurepolicy.org
Galco Holsters at LA Police Gear
Check them now and get a free Galco mug when you purchase any Galco Holsters and avail also of their free shipping for a 75 dollar order on all Galco products.
Lab feeding motherless kittens
I couldn't believe how good this Labrador as she feeds the motherless kittens in an animal shelter in Iowa. You should watch this, it's very interesting. You might want to adopt the kittens because they need a good home. As for the dog Lily, she already found a new home once the kittens are weaned.
Look Of The Year

Do you love joining beauty contest or just loved being get noticed and get recognized? Have you ever dreamed of becoming a model? Now here is your chance to make these things possible. The Look Of The Year are looking for people around the globe to join in their beauty contest and get a chance to win $10,000 dollars or get spotted by agencies for a modeling career. If you are young and has the beautiful looks join Look of the Year now by sending your pictures to their website who knows you might be the one they are looking for to be the Look of the Year.

It's a Warm Day!!!!
Beautiful day here in this part of Colorado. The sun is so bright and the weather is warm. This is the most wonderful weather for me. I love to just go out and feel the warmth of the sun on my skin. Good job Mr. Sunshine, keep the heat on!!!!
I'm Happy!!!!
Now, I have to blogs to get monitized and benefit from. Yeppey! Sweet!!!!
The day is gone so fast...
The day just ended so quickly, it was a nice day today because the weather was so warm, the sky is so clear and the sun was so bright. I liked the weather today because I really felt the heat of the sun on my skin. I took the opportunity to enjoy the warmth of the sun as I sat outside by the deck with the sun shining directly on me. oh, it felt so good! Finally able to feel it's heat which I rarely do because I always feel th cold wind even from the very start of the Spring but today it was different and I really appreciate how the weather got so warm. Bandit was there too sitting beside me seeking for my attention. I took some photos while I was outside enjoying the nice weather.
20 Questions
Here are the rules:Remove one (1) question from below and add in your personal question, make it a total of 20 questions, then tag eight (8) people in your list.
List them out at the end of this post.
1. At what age do/did you wish to marry? 25-28 but got married later than that
2. What color do you like most? pink, purple, periwinkle
3. Have you ever shoplifted? not yet... just kidding.. will never do
4. Where is the place that you want to go the most?
5. Which part of you that you hate the most? my weight, wanna gain more but it's hard...
6. When you encounter a sad moment, what would you do? cry silently
7. What are you afraid to lose the most? my dear hubby
8. If you win $1 million, what would you do? build a nice house for parents, share some to family and save for retirement.
9. What do you loved the most last year (2007)? When hubby and I got married
10. List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you: A loving mom & wife, very strong woman amidst trials, pretty like me of course,ha,ha,...
11. How do you cope with boredom? internet surfing, blogging, just being with hubby
12. Till now, what is the moment that you regret the most? nothing I guess
13. Which type of person do you hate the most? abusive and liar
14. What is your ambition? to be a successful wife and mother
15. If you had one wish, what would you wish for? get preggy soon
16. How did you celebrate new year? just at home with hubby
17. It is already 2008, do you have a new year’s resolution? nope... just try to be better each day 18. What do you look forward to in 2008? have a baby
19. If your life is a song, what title best fit it? My destiny
20. Did you get homesick during your first 6 months in the US? No, not once even if I'm more than a year here.
I wanna pass these questions to Dezz, Naomi, Michelle, Myrna, Marlet, Janet, Princess and Ellen.
Changed my blog title and url
So, to my friends out there please update my new url to your blog list. Thanks a lot!
First Dog to Launched in Orbit

Good Morning Everyone!!!!
It's great to wake up in the morning and be glad to enjoy another day of our lives. How's your morning everyone? Mine is good, I woke up at around 7 am. Bandit got up too and was happy to see me. He always sleeps in our bedroom. I usually let him go out in the mornings after I went to the bathroom to let him go potty too. He is so good when it comes to controlling his urges to go to the bathroom. He is well potty trained but have to be mindful always of him that he needs to go out every now and then to have him go to the bathroom. Tiger stayed in the bedroom and I think still asleep. Bandit went back to our bedroom too as hubby is still asleep too. I'm here infront of my laptop writing my blog while August is laying down in rocking chair asleep.
I hope everyone will have a great day ahead!
What does AKC registration really mean?

The American Kennel Club (AKC) is the oldest purebred dog registry in the US. AKC registered more than 1.3 million purebred dogs and more than 550 thousand litters in its 145 breeds in 1997. The top 10 breeds (Labrador Retriever, Rottweiler, German Shepherd, Golden Retriever, Poodle, Beagle, Dachshund, Cocker Spaniel, Yorkshire terrier, and Pomeranian) accounted for more than 560 thousand of the total individual registrations.
Most people who breed purebred dogs claim some affiliation with a registry as a seal of quality for their puppies. Many use that affiliation as a marketing tool, but buyers often learn the hard way that an AKC puppy purchased from a pet store or a backyard breeder is highly unlikely to be of the same caliber as an AKC registered puppy purchased from a reliable breeder.
How does registration works? When puppies are whelped, the breeder registers the litter; AKC sends a blue slip for each puppy in the litter; the breeder signs the puppy over to the buyer, who then registers the individual puppy in his name and is sent a registration certificate. Cost of litter registration is $20; cost of individual registration is $10.
AKC registration means that the parent dogs were registered, that an irresponsible breeder lied or was mistaken about the breeding that produced the litter, or that an unprincipled breeder was commiting outright fraud to raise the value of the puppies. Registration itself is neither a guarantee nor even an indication of quality. No one examines the parent dogs or the puppies to see if they really qualify for registration, and AKC depends on breeders to be honest when applying for a litter registration. Some unethical breeders apply for registration forms for puppies that have died or were never born, and they then use these certificates on puppies of doubtful parentage.
To complicate matters further, a female dog can be impregnated by several male dogs during her fertile cycle; if the dogs are not watched closely and appropriately confined, some puppies in the litter may have different fathers than other puppies. Thus, in kennels where males and females of different breeds typically run together, mixed breed puppies can actually be registered as purebred. This is not uncommon with puppy mill dogs or with backyard breeders who have several breeds, and has led to many complaints that the puppy purchased as a particular breed has grown into a dog that looks like something else.
AKC will investigate and may revoke the litter registration if the puppies or adult dogs do not have the appearance of the breed they are registered as. In the past, proof was difficult to obtain, but the advent of DNA testing has given inspectors a new weapon. If there is doubt about the parentage of a puppy, the AKC inspector can require a DNA test.
Bandit enjoys Lexi's company